11 am–12 pm ET

Cisco Webex


(Image: Ministerio de Salud Pública de Cuba)

Cuba's Transition: New Day or More of the Same?

Council of the Americas held a private, off-the-record discussion with Dr. Brian Latell on developments on the island.

11 am–12 pm ET

Cisco Webex



Cuba's recent leadership transition is historic, but what does it mean? Does it signal an opportunity for real political and economic liberalization, or a continuation of Cuba's trajectory under the Castros?

Dr. Brian Latell, among the foremost observers of Cuban leadership, briefed COA members in a private discussion on both the individuals who formulate Cuba's policies and the broader leadership trends they signify.

During his 35 years of service in the CIA and the National Intelligence Council, he advised White House and other ranking U.S. officials and members of Congress on Latin American developments. He teaches, lectures, consults, and writes, especially on Cuba and foreign intelligence matters. He has frequently advised U.S. and foreign government policy making organizations and leaders, including presidents and ministers.


Brian Latell
Former National Intelligence Officer for Latin America, Expert on Cuba and Foreign Intelligence Matters

Brian Latell has been a Latin America and Caribbean specialist since the 1960s. During his 35 years of service in the CIA and the National Intelligence Council, he advised White House and other ranking American officials and members of Congress on Latin American developments. He...