8:00 to 9:30 am EST

AS/COA Miami
2655 S LeJeune Road


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8:00 to 9:30 am EST

AS/COA Miami
2655 S LeJeune Road



AS/COA's Young Professional of the Americas and the Cuba Working Group (CWG) hosted a conversation with the key members of the Cuban diaspora in South Florida to explore the important role communities abroad can play in promoting private sector investment and driving opportunities in Cuba.

Changes in the Cuban regulatory environment over the last year has led to the incorporation of over 6,000 private companies. Although Cuba-U.S. regulations continue to restrict direct investment in these businesses, relationships with the diaspora are developing and the landscape could rapidly change as part of a broader thawing in the bilateral relationship.


  • Michael J. Bustamante, Ph.D., Associate Professor of History, University of Miami
  • Joe Garcia, Co-Chairman, Mercury; former United States Representative
  • Augusto E. Maxwell, Chair, Cuba Practice, Akerman LLP
  • Kezia McKeague, Regional Director, McLarty Associates (moderator)
  • John McIntire, Chairman, Cuba Emprende Foundation & Chair, COA Cuba Working Group (co-host)

For questions about the program or the Cuba Working Group, email Yndira Marin at ymarin@as-coa.org and Luciana Sabillon at lsabillon@as-coa.org

Sponsorship Opportunities: For more information, email Mercedes Fernandez at mfernandez@as-coa.org


Kezia McKeague
Regional Director, McLarty Associates

Kezia McKeague, regional director at McLarty, advises multinational companies on Argentina, Cuba, and regional Latin American issues as well as on engagement with multilateral organizations at the global level.

She has more than 15 years of experience at the nexus of policy and...

Michael J. Bustamante, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of History, University of Miami

Michael J. Bustamante (PhD, Yale University) is associate professor of History and the Emilio Bacardí Moreau chair in Cuban and Cuban-American Studies. Prior to joining the faculty at the University of Miami, he served as assistant professor of Latin American History at Florida...

Joe Garcia
Co-Chairman of Mercury

Joe Garcia is a co-chairman of Mercury, based in Miami, Florida. Garcia is a life-long public servant who leverages his extensive policy expertise for clients.

Most recently, Garcia served as congressman for Florida’s 26th District. During his time in Congress, Rep. Garcia...

Augusto E. Maxwell
Chair, Cuba Practice, Akerman LLP

Gus Maxwell, chair of Akerman’s cutting edge Cuba practice, helps Fortune 500 and other U.S. companies develop viable business interests on the island. A Cuban-American, Maxwell's clients appreciate his first-hand knowledge and understanding of Cuba’s culture, government, and...

2023 AS/COA Miami Programs Sponsor
YPA Sponsors