9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Council of the Americas
1615 L St NW
Washington, DC
Live Broadcast

Live broadcast


A Discussion on North America: Present and Future

Council of the Americas and Americas Quarterly will hold a discussion July 12 looking at the state of trade and investment in North America.

9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Council of the Americas
1615 L St NW
Washington, DC
Live Broadcast

Live broadcast



Join the discussion: #ThisIstheBorder | @ASCOA @AmerQuarterly

The United States and Mexico are interwoven in ways that are both remarkable and surprising and that challenge the idea of a clear-cut border. The ties that bind Mexico and the United States are explored at length in “Indivisible,” the new issue of Americas Quarterly that looks past the day-to-day political debate to take a 360-degree view of the U.S.-Mexico relationship over the more than two decades since the implementation of NAFTA. 

Council of the Americas and Americas Quarterly will hold a public discussion to look at these timely issues on the state of trade and investment in North America, the nature of supply chains, and how business is conducted today.


  • Will Hurd, Congressman (R-TX), Vice Chair, Border and Maritime Security Subcommittee, Committee on Homeland Security, U.S. House of Representatives @HurdOnTheHill
  • Chris Padilla, Vice President, Governmental Programs, IBM Corporation; Former Undersecretary for International Trade, U.S. Department of Commerce @ChrisPadilla00
  • Ann Wilson, Senior Vice President, Government Affairs, Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association @MEMADC
  • Eric Miller, President, Rideau Potomac Strategy Group; Former Vice President of Policy, North America, Business Council of Canada @ericmiller191
  • Antonio Ortiz-Mena, Senior Advisor, Albright Stonebridge Group; Former Head of Economic Affairs, Embassy of Mexico in the United States @ASG
  • Brian Winter, Vice President of Policy, AS/COA; Editor-in-Chief, Americas Quarterly @BrazilBrian

To register: Email us at dcprograms@as-coa.org

RSVP no later than 3:00 p.m. the day before the event.