3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Council of the Americas
1615 L St NW


(Image: U.S. State Department)

El Salvador and the Partnership for Growth Initiative

Please join Council of the Americas for a public, on-the-record discussion with a delegation of government and private-sector leaders from El Salvador.

3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Council of the Americas
1615 L St NW


(Image: U.S. State Department)


Please join Council of the Americas, the American Enterprise Institute, and the Woodrow Wilson Center for a public, on-the-record discussion with a delegation of government and private-sector leaders from El Salvador. They will discuss a proposal from their government for a second compact with the Millennium Challenge Corporation and the possibilities to be opened by the Partnership for Growth, signed by the governments of El Salvador and the United States.


Public Sector

  • Alexander Segovia, Technical Secretary of the Presidency of El Salvador
  • Armando Flores, Minister of Economy of El Salvador
  • Alberto Arene, President of the Ports Authority, CEPA

Private Sector

  • Roberto Murray Meza, President, Grupo Agrisal
  • Ricardo Poma, President, Grupo Roble
  • Francisco de Sola, President of FUSADES and President, Grupo Homarca
  • Francisco Calleja, President, Grupo Calleja
  • Carlos Guerrero, President, Chamber of the Construction Industry - CASALCO

To Register: Please email us at as-coawashington@counciloftheamericas.org.
Please RSVP no later than 3:00 p.m. the day before the event.

Event Information: Stephanie Davis | sdavis@as-coa.org | 202-659-8989
Press Enqueries: Valeria Cruz | vcruz@as-coa.org | 202-659-8989
Cancellation: Please contact Jorge Merino at jmerino@as-coa.org before 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 25.

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