2–3 p.m. ET

Live Broadcast
Live Broadcast

Live broadcast


2–3 p.m. ET

Live Broadcast
Live Broadcast

Live broadcast



AS/COA will host a presentation on Latin America and the Caribbean's 2022 economic outlook with Ilan Goldfajn, the new director of the Western Hemisphere Department at the International Monetary Fund.

Goldfajn will discuss the region’s recovery and economic outlook in the midst of surging prices and lingering uncertainties. Join us as we address policy recommendations for the key social issues that lie ahead for Latin America and the Caribbean.


  • Ilan Goldfajn, Director, Western Hemisphere Department, International Monetary Fund
  • Susan Segal, President and CEO, Americas Society/Council of the Americas

Online registration is now closed. This event will be broadcast on this page at the time of the event. Please come back to this event page the day of the meeting. No registration is required to watch the broadcast.

The program and main broadcast will be conducted in English.

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Press Registration: mediarelations@as-coa.org(link sends email)
Member and Special Guests Registration: Juan Serrano-Badrena | jserrano@as-coa.org(link sends email)
Event Information: Alexia Braun | abraun@as-coa.org(link sends email)
Individual Membership Information: Pierre Losson | plosson@as-coa.org(link sends email)
COA Corporate Membership: Natalia Williamson | nwilliamson@as-coa.org(link sends email). View a list of COA corporate members.


Ilan Goldfajn
President, Inter-American Development Bank

Ilan Goldfajn was elected IDB president on November 20, 2022.

Mr. Goldfajn served as Director of the Western Hemisphere Department at the International Monetary Fund in 2022, where he helped countries implement IMF-supported programs to address an unprecedented array of challenges...