7:00 p.m.
Members only reception to follow.

Americas Society
680 Park Avenue
New York


(Eduardo Vilches, La constante amenaza II, 1973)

Joanne Pottlitzer's "Symbols of Resistance: The Legacy of Chilean Artists under Pinochet"

Pottilitzer and actors will present a dramatization based on narratives from her book-in-progress about Chile's democratic transition.

7:00 p.m.
Members only reception to follow.

Americas Society
680 Park Avenue
New York



Online registration for tonight’s program is currently closed. Members may arrive prior to the event and pick up their tickets, and non-members can pay at the door.

Admission: FREE for AS Members; $10.00 for non-members. For questions, email LiteratureDepartment@as-coa.org.

Joanne Pottlitzer, a New York-based producer, director, playwright, and translator, and a group of professional New York actors will present a dramatization based on narratives from her book-in-progress."Symbols of Resistance: The Legacy of Chilean Artists under Pinochet" is edited from Pottlitzer's interviews with writers, playwrights, musicians, and visual artists in Chile who remember their experiences and their art during Chile's 17-year dictatorship (1973-1990). The book documents the influence of artists on the political process that eventually led Chile back to a democratic system. "Symbols of Resistance" ultimately illustrates the power of art on society. Pottlitzer’s presentation will include projected stills and video clips of artwork along with video clips from the brilliant 1988 "NO" campaign television segments, which she edited in 1996 from material provided by participants in the Campaign. This program will be held in English.

Presented by the Americas Society with the additional collaboration of InterAmericas®; the Consulate General of Chile in New York; Columbia University; Cooper Union—School of Art; Hunter College, CUNY; New York University; McNally Jackson Books; and La Casa Azul Bookstore.

Event Information: Jose Negroni | jnegroni@as-coa.org | 1-212-277-8353
Membership Information: Valeria Catan | vcatan@as-coa.org | 1-212-277-8342
Press Inquiries: Adriana La Rotta | alarotta@as-coa.org | 1-212-277-8384


An Evening with Richard Blanco and Gustavo Pérez Firmat
Wednesday, April 24 (Members Only). For information, click here.

*New members will receive an autographed book by Inaugural Poet Richard Blanco! Call Membership at 212.277.8359 to request your copy.

Joanne Pottlitzer has produced many Latin American plays in New York and is the winner of two Obies, two Senior Fulbright Awards, two NEA grants, and many producing and writing awards. Her translations have been produced in New York and elsewhere throughout the country. Her history with Latin America and its cultures dates back to the early sixties. She has taught courses on Latin American theater at the Yale School of Drama, New York University, and other institutions. Her articles have appeared in The New York Times, The Drama Review, American Theatre, Performing Arts Journal and Review. Among her plays is Paper Wings, about Mexican artist Frida Kahlo. Her book-in-progress, “Symbols of Resistance: The Legacy of Chilean Artists under Pinochet,” deals with the influence of artists on the political process.