Registration: 6:30 to 7:00 p.m.
Discussion & Questions: 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.

(Image: Courtesy of TECHO U.S.)
A Night with Nicolás Berardi, Chief Executive Officer at TECHO U.S.
Berardi will share his story of how he became a CEO at age 23 and will speak about TECHO’s anti-poverty work across Latin America.
Admission: Free for YPA members; $10 for non-members.
AS/COA's Young Professionals of the Americas presents Nicolás Berardi, who will share his story of how he became a CEO at age 23 and will speak about TECHO’s work across Latin America.
TECHO is a non-profit organization led by university students and young professionals. TECHO works with families in extreme poverty across 19 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean in order to overcome poverty. In only 15 years, TECHO has built almost 100,000 transitional houses and mobilized over half a million youth volunteers. The intervention model consists of three stages: transitional housing, social inclusion programs, and sustainable communities.
Learn more about AS/COA's Young Professionals of the Americas network.
Event Information: Please email
Nicolás Berardi (Argentina, 1988) is U.S. chief executive officer at TECHO*. Berardi’s involvement with TECHO began as a volunteer in 2007 in Buenos Aires when the organization had just begun operations. He was one of the leaders in building the commercial team while being a full-time university student. He was constantly putting together volunteer work teams, empowering new talents, and both designing and implementing innovative projects.
After four years of consolidating the Argentina team, Berardi joined the fundraising team in the United States as director of development. His focus was to develop continental alliances with companies based out of Miami and New York. He was also in charge of further expanding networking opportunities to high net worth individuals with an interest in Latin America. After one year in the United States, he assumed the leadership of the team as CEO. His challenge is to lead the team into making TECHO the top Latin American non-profit in the United States Under his leadership, fundraising has doubled and staff structure tripled while assuming new challenges. These challenges are to leverage communication opportunities both for the United States and for the region, to generate strategic partnerships with universities and other non-profits, and to foster massive and thoughtful volunteer engagement in the United States.
He has participated in the Harvard Advanced Leadership Initiative, Kellogg Innovation Network, Global Economic Symposium, TEDx Miami, Center for Hemispheric Policy and PODER Business Awards, among other conferences.
Berardi studied economics at Universidad Torcuato DiTella in Buenos Aires. He received an honorable mention for his graduating thesis which modeled the incorporation of e-commerce to traditional search models. He previously lived five years in Mexico and four years in Venezuela, where he went to international schools.