09:30 to 11:00 am ET

AS/COA Miami
2655 S LeJeune Road


City of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. (Pixabay)

09:30 to 11:00 am ET

AS/COA Miami
2655 S LeJeune Road



AS/COA Miami hosted a private briefing featuring Roberto Álvarez, the Foreign Affairs Minister of the Dominican Republic. At the event, he shared insights into his country's bilateral relationship with the United States, its investment outlook, key recent developments, and the 2026 Summit of the Americas, which will be held in Punta Cana.

Minister Roberto Álvarez is a lawyer and diplomat. He became foreign minister of the Dominican Republic in August 2020. He has served in the Dominican Republic's foreign service since 1966. He has also been a consultant to the Inter-American Development Bank and an official delegate of Amnesty International in Nicaragua and Sri Lanka.


  •  H.E. Roberto Álvarez, Foreign Affairs Minister of the Dominican Republic

Registration: RSVP to Andres Riebman at rsvpmiami@as-coa.org

Program Information: Lorrane Campos at lcampos@as-coa.org

Sponsorship Opportunities: Cyndi Balladares at cballadares@as-coa.org


Roberto Alvarez
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dominican Republic

From June 2005 to September 2008, Roberto Alvarez held the position of permanent representative of the Dominican Republic to the Organization of American States (OAS) with the rank of ambassador. While at the OAS, he served as chairman of the Permanent Council (2005), chair of...
