7:30 to 9:30 pm ET
AS/COA President and CEO Susan Segal with Minister Elmer Schialer and Minister José Arista. (Alexis Silver/Roey Yohai Photography)
Private Event: Peruvian Ministers Schialer, Arista, and Arana
AS/COA welcomed the ministers of foreign affairs, the economy, and justice for a private meeting with corporate members.
On September 25, 2024, AS/COA hosted a private meeting with Peru's Minister of Government and Foreign Relations Elmer Schialer, Minister of Economy and Finance José Arista, and Minister of Justice and Human Rights Eduardo Arana. The ministers met with AS/COA's corporate members and discussed opportunities for investment in their country.
The AES Corporation, Citi, Corporación América and Pfizer Inc.
Integra Capital, Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde and Volcán Compañía Minera