8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.

Council of the Americas
1615 L St NW


Undersecretary Sergio Alcocer. (Image: SRE Mexico)

The Quest for Competitiveness: Higher Education and Workforce Development in the U.S. and Mexico

Council of the Americas hosts a conversation with Mexican Foreign Ministry Undersecretary for North America Sergio Alcocer and U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs Evan Ryan.

8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.

Council of the Americas
1615 L St NW


Undersecretary Sergio Alcocer. (Image: SRE Mexico)


Please join the Council of the Americas for a breakfast conversation with Mexican Foreign Ministry Undersecretary for North America Sergio Alcocer and U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs Evan Ryan. They will discuss the role of the private sector in the burgeoning partnership between the United States and Mexico on higher education. Alcocer will also provide a readout of the February 19 North American Leaders Summit and address the impact of educational cooperation on the broader bilateral relationship.

Ryan traveled to Mexico in January to open the first of six working group meetings planned as part of the preparations for the official launching of the U.S.-Mexico Bilateral Forum on Higher Education, Innovation, and Research (FOBESII). Announced by U.S. President Barack Obama and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto in May 2013, the Forum seeks to expand higher education collaboration between the United States and Mexico and develop a twenty-first-century workforce in both countries.

The speakers will be accompanied by a Mexican delegation of government officials and leaders of higher learning institutions. The delegation is interested in hearing from Council members about the importance of workforce development to the private sector.

To Register: Please email us at as-coawashington@counciloftheamericas.org

Please RSVP no later than 3:00 p.m. the day before the event.