7 to 8 pm ET

Rita Indiana. (Image: Christopher Gregory)
Rita Indiana: Tu nombre verdadero
The Dominican musician and writer premieres her latest songbook.
On April 15, we will host this event in person and tickets are free.
Registration is closed for this event as it is sold out.
Remember to follow us to watch this and other exciting performances.
Tu nombre verdadero is a live performance, with music and lyrics by Rita Indiana and libretto and direction by Noelia Quintero-Herencia, dedicated to Jorge Pineda Perez. A post-pandemic abstract tale that visits experiences of illness and death in the context of artistic practices and their markets, the piece was commissioned by Americas Society after the couple moved to New York City in 2021. Quintero-Herencia, who also designed the sets, conceived the piece as “a system of goodbyes, the lights and shadows multimedia machine we would need to be able to look at things that are difficult to portray, such as loss.”
The songbook, arranged for piano and drums with Luis Amed Irizarry, departs from Rita Indiana’s storytelling and popular music staples reaching into “uncharted places of my musical memory, the sounds of early childhood or how I remember them, a time before I knew what death meant.” Musical genres are approached in their bare-bones form, stripped of irony or fusion, as if death had also kissed them.
Tu nombre verdadero was created out of the need to share an intimate space with those of us who were left behind, a need to memorialize the departed outside of social media, in the present, where the living remain.
Rita Indiana, voice
Luis Ahmed Irizarry, piano
Efraín Martínez, drums
Melissa Bonetti, Andrea Chavarro, Teresa Davis, Kayla Faccilongo, voices
Production team:
Artistic Collective Matahambre
Lyrics & Music: Rita Indiana
Director: Noelia Quintero Herencia
Producers: Rita Indiana, Noelia Quintero Herencia
Script: Rita Indiana and Noelia Quintero Herencia
Musical Arrangements: Rita Indiana and Luis Amed Irizarry
Sound Engineering: Antonio Caraballo
Lighting Design: Marién Vélez
Set Design: Noelia Quintero Herencia
Graphic Design: Ian Vfctor - Modafoca
Set Dresser: Gerardo Calderón
Stage Manager: Noelia Quintero Herencia
Technical Director: Marién Vélez
Film & Video Production: Noelia Quintero Herencia, Ian Victor, Sebastian Gonzalez Quintero, Ricardo Goitfa
Video Mapping: Xiao Jiang
Ligthting Technician: Florencia Lechin
Costume Assistant: Ivette Hernandez - Mantoherida
Acting Coach: Vicente Santos
Production Assistants: Daniel Gonzalez Quintero, Zilah Felix, Luz Esther Hernandez
Tech Consultant: Lenino Comprés
Production Consultants: Angela Sofía Santiago Caro, Maribel Caro Cruz (ontological coaching)
Rita Indiana is a Dominican-born New York-based music composer and a key figure in contemporary Latin American literature. Her novel Tentacle was the first book written in Spanish to win the Grand Prize of the Association of Caribbean Writers in 2017. She is the author of five novels and a driving force in experimental Caribbean popular music, receiving a nomination for a Latin Grammy in 2021. Currently, she is the Director of New York University’s MFA in Creative Writing in Spanish.
Noelia Quintero-Herencia is a Puerto Rican filmmaker, multimedia artist, and researcher. During the 2000s, she created, directed, and produced the Suncoast Emmy winning documentary series on Puerto Rican art and culture Prohibido Olvidar. She wrote and directed the documentary on urban art La Motora Roja tiene que aparecer (2008) and the film PAPI, which won the Dominican Soberano Award for Best Film in 2020. She is the longtime collaborator of Dominican writer and composer Rita Indiana for whom she has directed several music videos and performances. In 2021, her documentary Ellas, mujeres en la música, won her another Suncoast Emmy. Her work has been exhibited at the Centro León, Proyectos Ultravioleta, and at the Leslie-Lohman Museum.
Allá donde la luna se coge con el monte
Adonde el horizonte se etralla en el palmar
Adonde van los hilos de la camisa del hombre
Que firmó conmigo un nombre para poderlo llamar
Allá donde las luces son uñas que se rompen
Alla donde la carne se puede ir a comprar
Adonde van los gritos de la Virgen de las flores
Cuando siente los dolores que del rio bajan al mar
Quisiera no tener que verte aquí
Que esta no fuera hermano tu mansión
De esta casa no se puede salir
Y dice que hay, tranquilo que ello hay
Piedrita que caminan, te van acompañai
A la sombra del palo e' Guao
Oh oh oh oh
A la sombra del palo e' Guao;
Oh oh oh oh
Tira sombra el cocotero,
tira sombra el guayacán
Tira sombra el flamboyán,
la flor, la rama el alero
Tira sombra el jardinero
Con el machete agarrao
Y su sombrero terciao
Sombra redonda es la tierra
Pero sólo una da guerra
La sombra del palo e Guao
Tira sombra la armadura
Tira sombra el arcabuz
Tira sombra hasta la cruz
Es sombra la noche oscura
Pero hay una que es mas dura
Camino al valle de Bao
Que al pasarle por el lao
Se encapricha con tus huesos
Y sale a comerte a besos
La sombra del palo e' Guao
El tronco respira un fuego
Que quema y rompe la carne
Las ramas a media tarde
Te llenan de llaga el cuero
El ave de mal agüero
Ta en su raíz enterrao
Y los indios de Bonao
Mojan sus flechas en ella
Porque a la muerte le es bella
La sombra del palo e' Guao
Y dice que hay, tranquilo que ello hay
Piedrita que caminan, te van acompañai
Ni cuanto hay, te digo que ello hay
Se ven como la arena, no lo puedo contai
A la sombra del palo e' Guao Oh oh oh oh
A la sombra del palo e' Guao Oh oh oh oh
Una cosa blanca, una cosa negra,
una cosa blanca, una cosa negra,
una cosa blanca, una cosa negra
una cosa blanca, una cosa negra
Se ahogan los caballos abajo del puente
por donde las aguas se tiñen de aceite
Fajo contra fajo
fuete contra fuete
saben a melaza
pero son grilletes
En neón se entienden
El saca y el mete flecos que se arrancan
Sangre en la subasta,
que mercado es este?
por mi duelo
cuánto más?
El hueso negocia
dentro del boquete
hediondos laureles
rojos cual filetes
Mancha prodigiosa
nadie viene a verte
mientras en tu nombre
se firman los verdes
Sangre en la subasta,
qué mercado es este?
por mi duelo
cuánto más?
Sangre en la subasta,
qué mercado es este?
por mi duelo
cuánto más?
The MetLife Foundation Music of the Americas concert series is made possible by the generous support of Presenting Sponsor MetLife Foundation.
This project is made possible, in part, by a grant from the Association of Performing Arts Professionals’ ArtsForward program, made possible through support from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and by the National Endowment for the Arts.
The Spring 2023 Music program is also supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature, and the Howard Gilman Foundation.