Panel Discussion: 10 am to 11 am ET

Cisco Webex
Live Broadcast

Live broadcast


Panel Discussion: 10 am to 11 am ET

Cisco Webex
Live Broadcast

Live broadcast



As Latin America’s anti-corruption wave appears to be losing steam, Peru is one of the few positive stories in the region, according to the 2020 Capacity to Combat Corruption (CCC) Index, co-developed by AS/COA and Control Risks. The continued progress in major anti-corruption investigations, as well as a strong commitment by President Martín Vizcarra to face the problem, have contributed to an increase in Peru’s score since 2019. However, enormous challenges still lay ahead of the country, from building stronger law enforcement agencies and courts to reforming its political system. What are the risks to Peru’s anti-corruption push? How is it changing the political and business environment in the country?


  • Denisse Rodriguez-Olivari, Doctoral Candidate, Humboldt University @DenisseROlivari
  • Samuel Rotta, Executive Director, Proética @srotta
  • Nicolás Urrutia, Senior Analyst, Control Risks @Control_Risks
  • Roberto Simon, Senior Director and Head of the Anti-Corruption Working Group, AS/COA @robertosimon (moderator)

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Denisse Rodriguez-Olivari
Doctoral Candidate, Humboldt University in Berlin

Denisse Rodriguez-Olivari is a doctoral candidate at Humboldt University in Berlin. Her doctoral project focuses on the effects of the judicialization of grand corruption in the Lava Jato case in Peru and Brazil. Rodriguez-Olivari has also worked as a research consultant in Lima...

Samuel Rotta Castilla
Executive Director, Proética

Samuel Rotta Castilla is the executive director of Proética, the Peruvian chapter of Transparency International. He has worked at Proética in various positions since 2003, gaining experience in issues related to the fight against corruption, transparency and accountability in...

Roberto Simon
Senior Director for Policy and Head of the Anti-Corruption Working Group, AS/COA

Roberto Simon is the senior director for policy and head of the Anti-Corruption Working Group at Americas Society/Council of the Americas and the politics editor for Americas Quarterly. Previously, Simon served as the lead Latin America analyst at FTI Consulting’s Geopolitical...

Nicolás Urrutia
Senior Analyst, Control Risks

Nicolás Urrutia is a senior analyst at Control Risks, where he is part of the Global Risk Analysis team for the Andean region. He is an expert on Colombian politics and security, and provides clients with advice and analysis on Colombia, Peru, and Suriname. Urrutia conducts and...
