5–6 pm ET

Instagram Live


(Image: Carolina Passerini)

In the Studio: The Good Neighbour – Mónica De La Torre and Terence Gower

Watch the video: Terence Gower from the The Good Neighbour exhibition on Instagram Live joined writer and poet Mónica De la Torre.

5–6 pm ET

Instagram Live


(Image: Carolina Passerini)


Terence Gower in conversation with writer and poet Mónica De La Torre.

Join us live on Instagram from your cell phone, or watch on YouTube after, for a series of remote visits to artists' studios to bring Americas Society's Visual Arts public programs to your home. Every other Wednesday, contemporary artists will dialogue with our Visual Arts department about their work and practice. Check out the series playlist.

About the writer: 

Mónica de la Torre’s most recent book of poems and translations is Repetition Nineteen (Nightboat). Other books include The Happy End/All Welcome—a riff on a riff on Kafka's Amerika—and Public Domain. With Alex Balgiu, she co-edited the anthology Women in Concrete Poetry 1959–79 (Primary Information) and teaches at Brooklyn College and Bard’s MFA program.

Visit the Americas Society Visual Arts YouTube Channel for recordings of In the Studio Series and other previous events.

Follow the conversation on Instagram: #IntheStudioAS | @americassociety.visualarts

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