11:00 am to 6:00 pm

Hunter College
695 Park Avenue, North Building
New York


11:00 am to 6:00 pm

Hunter College
695 Park Avenue, North Building
New York



Admission is free of charge. No RSVP needed.

Americas Society's Visual Arts program will host a symposium on modern Latin American design and its interaction with domestic space. There will be three panel discussions covering the current state of Latin American design, the influence of the home on the field, and case studies on exciting design initiatives in Brazil, Mexico, and Venezuela. Symposium speakers include Luis Castañeda, Patricio del Real, Jorge Rivas, Zeuler Lima, Ana Elena Mallet, Pat Kirkham, Rodrigo Queiroz, Maria Cecilia Loschiavo, and Americas Society's Gabriela Rangel.


  • Tracing Albers' Chair, 2014, HD video, 4:58 min. by Jill Magid (Artist)
  • Panel One: What makes Latin-American modern design so different and appealing?
    • Speakers: Luis Castañeda (Syracuse University) and Patricio del Real (Museum of Modern Art)
    • Respondent: Jorge F. Rivas Pérez (Guest Curator)
  • Panel Two: Case Studies - Collective and Utopian Design Projects and Initiatives in Brazil, Mexico, and Venezuela
    • Speakers: Zeuler Lima (Washington University in St. Louis) and Ana Elena Mallet (Guest Curator)
    • Respondent: Gabriela Rangel (Americas Society)
  • Panel Three: Living the Modern Dream - Home as a Laboratory for Innovative Ideas, New Producers and Local Materials
    • Speakers: Pat Kirkham (Bard Graduate Center) and Rodrigo Queiroz (Universidade de São Paulo)
    • Respondent: Maria Cecilia Loschiavo dos Santos (Guest Curtaor)
  • Book PresentationModern Brazilian Designwritten by Maria Cecilia Loschiavo dos Santos 
  • Book Presentation: El diseño de van Beuren [The Design of Van Beuren]written by Ana Elena Mallet in conversation with Barry Bergdoll (Museum of Modern Art)

Learn more about Americas Society's upcoming exhibition Moderno: Design for Living in Brazil, Mexico, and Venezuela 1940-1978.

Event Information: Nuria Mendoza | nmendoza@as-coa.org

Image: Alfredo Boulton. Pampatar (La Casa), c. 1953. Photograph of the living room of Alfredo Boulton's beach house, Margarita Island, Venezuela, designed by Miguel Arroyo. Fundación Alberto Vollmer, Caracas.    


Download a PDF of the event's agenda.

Symposium Agenda:

11:00: Welcoming Remarks

Jill Magid, Tracing Albers’ Chair, 2014, HD video, 4:58 min.

11:30–1:00: Panel 1
What makes Latin American modern design so different, so appealing?
• Luis M. Castañeda, “Cosmopolitan Folklore, or the Negotiation of Difference”
• Patricio del Real, “Del arte al diseño, MOMA’s design intersections with Latin America”
• Respondent: Jorge Rivas

1:00–2:15: Break for Lunch

2:15–3:15: Panel 2
Case Studies: Collective and Utopian Design Projects and Initiatives in Brazil, Mexico, and Venezuela
• Zeuler R. Lima, “The Bardi House: Betwixt and Between”
• Ana Elena Mallet, “Michael van Buren. Design for a modern Mexico”
• Respondent: Gabriela Rangel

3:15–3:30: Break

3:30–4:30: Panel 3
Living the Modern Dream: Home as a Laboratory for Innovative Ideas, New Producers and Local Materials
• Pat Kirkham, "Reflections on What We Have Seen in Relation to European and North American Design"
• Rodrigo Queiroz, “Brazilian ‘Ready-Made’ Design”
• Respondent: Maria Cecilia Loschiavo dos Santos

4:30–4:45: Break 

4:45–5:00: Book Presentation
Modern Brazilian Design by Maria Cecilia Loschiavo dos Santos

5:00–5:30: Book Presentation
El diseño de van Beuren [The Design of Van Beuren] by Ana Elena Mallet, in conversation with Barry Bergdoll, Meyer Schapiro Professor of Art History, Columbia University, and curator in the Department of Architecture and Design at the Museum of Modern Art