Registration: 5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Panel Discussion: 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p...

The LAB Miami
400 NW 26th Street
Live Broadcast

Live broadcast


Registration: 5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Panel Discussion: 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p...

The LAB Miami
400 NW 26th Street
Live Broadcast

Live broadcast



Follow the conversation on Twitter with @ASCOA | #techASCOA

Today, more people live in cities than ever before and what happens in urban areas affects the quality of life of more than half of the world’s population. Cities have become drivers of economic growth and hubs of innovation, but also face economic and environmental challenges associated with rapid urban growth. 

Americas Society/Council of the Americas will host an expert panel to address how technology is helping Latin American cities to prepare a future-ready economy. Speakers will discuss how cities can manage their resources more efficiently and use technological innovations to improve public services, transportation, connectivity, and sustainability. They will also share best practices of integrating technology with physical systems, including open data and applying Internet of Things technologies to smart buildings.


  • João Canais, Business Development Manager, Americas, Esri @Joaocanais
  • Laura Gaviria, Global Head of Fintech Acceleration, Citi @LauraGaviriaH
  • Gustavo Menendez-Bernales, Managing Director for Business Transformation, Latin America, Cisco Systems @CiscoSCC
  • Ellis J. Juan, Division Chief, Housing and Urban Development Division (HUD), Inter-American Development Bank @BID_Ciudades (moderator)

*Additional speakers to be confirmed

This program is complimentary for all registrants but prior registration is required.
Event Information: Francisco Martinez | | 1-305-779-4984.
Sponsorship Opportunities: Madeleine Johnson Thakur  | | 1-305-779-4984
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