Registration: 5:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Panel Discussion: 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p...

Live broadcast

(Image: AP)
What's Next for Venezuela?
Join a group of experts as they discuss the prospects for Venezuela’s economy and its oil sector amid political unrest.
As protests continue in Venezuela, the country’s economy remains stagnant with inflation above 50 percent and companies struggle with increased regulation and currency controls. Join a group of experts as they discuss the prospects for the country’s economy and its oil sector amid political unrest.
- Javier Corrales, Professor of Political Science, Amherst College
- Alejandro Grisanti, Head of Research and Strategy for Latin America, Barclays Capital Inc.
- Luisa Palacios, Head of Latin America Macro and Energy Research, Medley Global Advisors
- Christopher Sabatini, Senior Director of Policy, Americas Society/Council of the Americas; Editor-in-Chief, Americas Quarterly
Registration Fee:
This event is complimentary for all registrants.
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Event Information: Guillermo Zubilllaga | | 1-212-277-8362
COA Corporate Membership Information: Monica Vieira | | 1-212-277-8344
Press: Adriana La Rotta | | 1-212-277-8384