Registration: 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.

Presentation and Discussion: 8:30 a.m...

680 Park Avenue
New York


(Image: Ministerios Cash Luna)

Women, Business and the Law 2016: Getting to Equal

Join AS/COA and the World Bank for a presentation of the fourth edition of the Women, Business and the Law global report series.

Registration: 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.

Presentation and Discussion: 8:30 a.m...

680 Park Avenue
New York



Join the Americas Society and Council of the Americas for a breakfast discussion with Sarah Iqbal, program coordinator at the World Bank, as she presents the fourth edition of the Women, Business and the Law global report series. Women, Business and the Law measures how laws, regulations, and institutions differentiate between women and men in ways that may affect women’s incentives or capacity to work or to set up and run a business. It provides data on legal and regulatory barriers to women’s entrepreneurship and employment in 173 economies, covering seven areas: accessing institutions, using property, getting a job, providing incentives to work, building credit, going to court, and protecting women from violence.

Registration Fee: $10.00 for AS, COA, and YPA members; $20.00 for non-members. Prior registration is required.

Complimentary registration available for
diplomats, students, and academics.

Contact Juan Serrano-Badrena at to register.

Event Information: Cara Caponi | | 1-212-277-8368
COA Corporate Membership Information: Monica Vieira | | 1-212-277-8344
Press Inquiries: Adriana La Rotta | | 1-212-277-8384
Cancellation: Juan Serrano-Badrena at before 3:00 p.m. on Monday, September 14.

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