5:00 to 5:40 p.m. ET

Live Broadcast
Live Broadcast

Live broadcast


5:00 to 5:40 p.m. ET

Live Broadcast
Live Broadcast

Live broadcast



Women have been disproportionately affected by the Venezuelan crisis. Now, they are increasingly assuming a greater role in shaping the terms of their country's democratic transition and laying the foundation for sustainable peace.

As part of these efforts, a group of female Venezuelan leaders have spearheaded Women for Democracy in Venezuela, or Mujeres por la Democracia en Venezuela (MDV)—a new movement committed to inclusive change. Comprised of political leaders, negotiators, human rights defenders, lawyers, policy experts, and journalists from inside and outside of Venezuela, MDV works to empower women within the political process to ensure they are meaningfully included in high-level decision-making regarding the country's future.

In this Americas Society/Council of the Americas event, MDV co-founders will offer insights into how Venezuelan women are working to influence Venezuelan politics and drive forward democratic change.


  • Cristina Burelli, Executive Director, V5Initiative; International Liaison, SOS Orinoco @cburelli
  • Mariela Magallanes, Deputy, Venezuela’s 2015 National Assembly; one of two female delegates representing the National Unity Platform in negotiations in Mexico City @MariMagallanesC
  • Dr. Marlene Spoerri, Director, Inclusive Diplomacy and Systems Change, Independent Diplomat @IDiplomat
  • Isadora Zubillaga, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Venezuelan Interim Government; Co-Founder, Women for Democracy in Venezuela @DemocratasxVzla @isadorazubi
  • Guillermo Zubillaga, Head of Venezuela Working Group, Americas Society/Council of the Americas @Guillermo_Z (moderator)

Register to attend in person at our New York City office (680 Park Avenue) by emailing Juan Serrano at jserrano@as-coa.org 

Space is limited and priority will be given to AS/COA corporate and individual members.

Please note this event will be held in Spanish.

The program will also be streamed live on this page as well as on Twitter and YouTube, at 5:00pm ET. No registration is required.

This event is part of the AS/COA Venezuela Working Group and the Women’s Hemispheric Network.

Event Information: Guillermo Zubillaga | gzubillaga@as-coa.org
Press Inquiries: Pia Fuentealba | mediarelations@as-coa.org

In Partnership With

Additional information about Independent Diplomat's work with Women for Democracy in Venezuela is available at the Department of Justice, Washington, DC.