8–9:15 am ET

AS/COA Miami
2655 S LeJeune Road


Dr. Eduardo Gamarra (L) and Francisco Martinez (R).

Dr. Eduardo Gamarra (L) and Francisco Martinez (R).

8–9:15 am ET

AS/COA Miami
2655 S LeJeune Road



On Sunday June 19, Colombians voted Gustavo Petro to be their next president, elevating him to become the country's first leftist leader in the modern era. 

To discuss that election and Colombia's future, the Young Professionals of the Americas (YPA) will hold a private, off-the record discussion with Dr. Eduardo Gamarra professor at Florida International University and Director of the Stephen Green School of International and Public Affairs.

In conversation with YPA's Francisco Martinez, Dr. Gamarra will provide a comprehensive rundown on the outcome of the Colombian election, as well as the business and political implications for the country and the region. After a short presentation, the floor will open for a discussion among participants.

This event will be held both in-person and virtually through Zoom. The discussion will begin at 8:15 am and will be off-the-record.

Please register in advance by sending an email to: YPAMiami@as-coa.org

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