6:30 to 8:00 pm ET

Council of the Americas
1615 L St NW
Washington, DC


Bolsonar and Trump exchanged jerseys. (AP)

6:30 to 8:00 pm ET

Council of the Americas
1615 L St NW
Washington, DC



This event is free for YPA members and $10 for non-members, and registration is required. Ticket includes drinks and food. 
Please email ypadc@as-coa.org to register. 

Join us for wine, cheese, and politics to discuss the first official visit of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro to Washington, DC. André Soares, counselor at the Inter-American Development Bank’s Board of Directors, will moderate a discussion on Bolsonaro’s trip to the United States, his meeting with President Donald Trump, and the implications for the Brazilian economy with panelists Beatriz Bulla, Washington correspondent of the Brazilian newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo, and Diogo Coelho, second secretary of the Economic Section of the Brazilian Embassy.

YPA programs provide a unique platform for members from, or interested, in Latin America to engage across industries, connect around ideas, and develop professional and social ties.

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