7:30 to 9:00 pm ET

Los Félix
3413 Main Highway
Coconut Grove
United States


Los Felix Mural

(Image: Los Félix)

7:30 to 9:00 pm ET

Los Félix
3413 Main Highway
Coconut Grove
United States



Join our Young Professionals of the Americas (YPA) chapter in Miami for a tasting menu and an opportunity to network with young professionals at Michelin-star Mexican restaurant, Los Félix. 

About Los Felix

The food at Los Felix is inspired in Mexican indigenous heritage. They describe it as: "A multisensory celebration that honors truth through flavor, imagination through natural wine, and atmosphere through vinyl records." 

If you are interested in attending this event, email Cyndi Balladares at cballadares@as-coa.org. Space is limited. 

Tasting Menu & Drink: $70 for YPA Steering Committee | $80 for YPA Standard Members

Become a Member

Members of Young Professionals of the Americas (YPA) represent a diverse spectrum of professional sectors, including venture capital and finance, fashion, government, design, consulting, law, and the arts. Membership includes exclusive access to our networking and social events, such as private art fair tours, concerts, and intimate talks with industry leaders around professional development.

YPA currently has active chapters in New York, Miami, and Washington, DC.

Learn how to become a member.

YPA Sponsors