12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.

AS/COA Miami
2655 S LeJeune Road


(Image: Florida International University)

12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.

AS/COA Miami
2655 S LeJeune Road



The Young Professionals of the Americas (YPA) will host a policy lunch with Dr. Frank Mora, director of the Kimberly Green Latin American and Caribbean Center at Florida International University (FIU) (bio linked here). Mora will share perspectives on his time in the U.S. Department of Defense, crafting policy toward Latin America during the first Obama Administration.

Exclusive to YPA members; $25 to register. Please contact Madeleine Johnson at mjohnson@as-coa.org or 305-779-4816 with any questions.

YPA Miami members come from a wide range of sectors and are united by an interest in innovation, policy, and culture in the Americas. Our monthly events include chats with industry leaders, panels on the latest trends in Latin America, cultural events, and policy discussions that provide networking with peers and senior executives affiliated with Council of the Americas.

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