8:00 p.m.

Gale South Beach Hotel
1690 Collins Ave, Miami Beach, FL 33139


Image: Rec Room

YPA Miami Summer Party

The Young Professionals of the Americas in Miami celebrate their first anniversary.

8:00 p.m.

Gale South Beach Hotel
1690 Collins Ave, Miami Beach, FL 33139



Join Young Professionals of the Americas Miami and friends at the Rec Room on Thursday, June 18.

Your first two drinks are included with admission.

YPA Miami members come from a wide range of sectors and are united by an interest in innovation, policy, and culture in the Americas. Our monthly events include chats with industry leaders, panels on the latest trends in Latin America, cultural events, and policy discussions that provide networking with peers and senior executives affiliated with Council of the Americas,

Not a YPA member yet? Join now and get complimentary access for this event.