How are countries like China, India, and Japan developing energy projects in the Western Hemisphere?
Asia & Latin America
Summary: Asian Energy Investments in the Americas
U.S. Not Edged Out of Latin America: State
Michael Barris
At a discussion in AS/COA, Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Roberta Jacobson, dismissed the views that China may be edging the United States out of Latin America’s markets.
Are China and the United States Competing for Influence in the Western Hemisphere?
Both governments are building relations with the region based on their priorities, not competition, writes COA’s Eric Farnsworth for China-US Focus.
Summary: Brazil-China Economic and Political Relations
While the two countries have deepened bilateral ties, the result has been a "mixed blessing," experts said.
Evaluating Brazil's China Syndrome
Economic shifts are causing Beijing and Brasilia to reevaluate the bilateral relationship, writes COA’s Eric Farnsworth for China-US Focus.
Highlights from IE Singapore's 2013 Latin Asia Business Forum
AS/COA President and CEO Susan Segal and COA Vice President Eric Farnsworth participated in panels on Asia-Latin America ties.