Graduates with a higher-education degree make 104 percent more than those with high school diplomas.
"The United States is in a position to continue assisting our neighbors and friends in need," says AS/COA's Eric Farnsworth, in testimony on U.S. assistance for Central America.
O seminário da COA, JPMorgan Chase Foundation, e a Fundação Getúlio Vargas/Clear, discutiu os principais resultados de uma pesquisa inédita, que mapeia o “skills gap” nos setores de saúde, alimentício, e nos serviços de tecnologia de informação.
Key findings of the new report Mapping New Skills in the State of São Paulo were released at the COA, JPMorgan Chase Foundation, and Fundação Getulio Vargas/Clear May 11 seminar.
Greater connectivity and high-quality start-ups increase region’s appeal.
Women in Brazil are forcing their way into tech, but still face barriers to entry; today just 13 percent of start-up entrepreneurs in São Paulo are women.