AS/COA President and CEO Susan Segal shares her tribute to Gerardo Miguel Rosenkranz, the Latin America-focused angel investor who "impacted the life of so many young entrepreneurs in the region."
AS/COA hosted a panel discussion on strategies to reduce the barriers young adults face in entering the job market.
This white paper presents findings on easing access to labor markets for disadvantaged youth, drawing attention to innovative programs that promote formal employment in Colombia and Peru. Research was carried out by the Americas Society’s Social Inclusion program.
In light of the ongoing economic reform process in Cuba, the report outlines specific steps that can be taken by the Cuban government, the U.S. government, NGOs and foundations to assist independent small and micro-entrepreneurs in Cuba.
"A successful trip could be measured as one in which Obama and the leaders of the visited countries better understand the shared vision before us," writes AS/COA President and CEO Susan Segal in an article about President Barack Obama's March 19-23 trip.
An Americas Society roundtable in Bogota explored ways that governments, the private sector, NGOs, and multilateral institutions can collaborate to expand formal labor market access for disadvantaged Colombian youth.
As world leaders gathered in Cancun for the UN Conference on Climate Change on November 29, Mexico and Brazil, Latin America's major carbon emitters, lead regional efforts to cut greenhouse gasses. Observers, however, question the likelihood of the summit producing any major international agreements.