The president and CEO of AS/COA previewed the four speakers of the 26th anniversary COA Symposium and celebrated 18 months of the BRAVO Business series.
The president of SAP Latin America & Caribbean and the CEO of Softtek talk at the 26th Anniversary COA Symposium about technology's role in business.
The mayor of Miami and the CEO of Medina Capital talk at the 26th anniversary COA Symposium about what's driving the city's growing tech ecosystem.
After seeing firsthand the hopeless future awaiting inmates, Jorge Cueto opened a fashion business to offer them a chance at a legal job.
Hamdi Ulukaya de Chobani, Juan Carlos Mora de Grupo Bancolombia y Manuel D. Medina de Medina Capital representan cómo el liderazgo y la pasión son impulsores del cambio.
Chobani's Hamdi Ulukaya, Grupo Bancolombia's Juan Carlos Mora, and Medina Capital's Manuel D. Medina represent how leadership and passion are drivers of change.
La ministra de economía y finanzas destacó cómo Uruguay, a pesar de la disrupción de la pandemia, ha cumplido con todas sus metas fiscales, incluso un nuevo marco fiscal muy anticipado.