"Colombia quiere jugar un papel de liderazgo en la región", dijo el mandatario colombiano hablando sobre las oportunidades para el desarrollo sustentable en el Amazonas.
Environment & Sustainability
Protecting the Amazon: A Conversation with President Iván Duque
Making Sustainable Development a Reality in the Amazon
Experts joined a discussion about sustainable economic opportunities in the rainforest.
NEW AQ: The Case for Sustainable Development in the Amazon
AQ Online
Brazil and other countries could one day become “green superpowers.” But first they’ll need to stop deforestation, and make it easier to do business too.
A nova edição do Americas Quarterly examina como o desenvolvimento na Amazônia pode ser sustentável e viável
A revista apresenta novas iniciativas que podem usar com responsabilidade os recursos da floresta par o benefício de seus 35 milhões de habitantes, sem recorrer ao desmatamento.
Amazon Case Study: Natura’s Supply Chain
AQ Online
The market leader gets about 17% of its components from the rainforest.
Afro-Brazilians Must Be Included in the Quest for Amazon Sustainability
Elza Fátima Rodrigues
The Amazon's Black community, one of Brazil’s largest, faces numerous challenges.
Amazon Case Study: Boutique Chocolate
AQ Online
The region could become a new frontier for cocoa production.