Foreign Relations

Dealing without Doha
/ Carlos Macias

WTO trade talks froze in Geneva, where booming Brazil played a central role, further strengthening its position as global player and setting the stage for a battle over U.S. ethanol tariffs. As Doha flounders, countries such as Chile and Peru step up bilateral agreements to boost international trade ties. 

Can Democracies Change the World?
/ Eric Farnsworth

In a new article for Poder magazine, COA Vice President Eric Farnsworth examines proposals by U.S. presidential candidates to create a body of democratic nations, saying, "If carefully constructed, this may be an idea whose time has come." He recommends that past examples be taken into account to avoid the mistakes and build on the successes of predecessors.

Secretary General José Miguel Insulza on the OAS Role in the Western Hemisphere

In an AS/COA Online interview, OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza describes the role of the agency in negotiating recent border tensions between Ecuador and Colombia, autonomy and recall votes in Bolivia, and U.S.-Cuba relations. "[T]he OAS has to prove itself as the main forum for political dialogue in the Americas," said Insulza.