Investing in the most vulnerable students now can ensure their ability to rebuild the region's economies after the pandemic.
Gender & Social Equality
Well-being, inequality and sustainability should be measured just as carefully as the monetary value of a nation’s products.
COVID-19 has been a disaster, but Brazil shows a public health care system on a large scale is possible – and effective.
The Americas are facing a once-in-a-century challenge. U.S. leadership of the IDB would undermine efforts to confront it.
The outbreak is far from over. But it’s already taught the region valuable lessons about how to address other longstanding challenges.
The paper concludes that Latin American and Caribbean countries need more efficient resource allocation and policy interventions to promote health and disease prevention.
El documento concluyó que los países de América Latina y el Caribe necesitan una asignación de recursos más eficiente e intervenciones políticas para promover la salud y la prevención de enfermedades.