Cerca de 90 milhões de brasileiros estão nas redes sociais, quase o tamanho do eleitorado do país, disse o pesquisador.
Rule of Law & Anti-Corruption
Around 90 million Brazilians are on social media today, nearly the size of the Brazilian electorate, said the social media and data researcher.
The Argentine pontiff’s first visit to Latin America since assuming his post comes at a time of vocal demands for government accountability in Brazil.
"Whatever you may think about the right of U.S. citizens and the world to know about the N.S.A. program, clearly Ecuador isn’t the logical, legitimate champion of freedom of expression globally," writes AS/COA's Christopher Sabatini for Fox News Latino.
What is the outlook for anti-corruption regulation in a Latin American context? An AS/COA panel explored the topic.
Sweeping political reform, increased investments in public transport, and expanded healthcare services are part of Dilma Rousseff’s five-point plan.
Legislation signed by President Rafael Correa on June 21 establishes new rules that could be used to censor the press.