AQ talked to the founder of an organization that provides palliative care in the Rocinha and Vidigal favelas.
Os portos da região enfrentam uma série de desafios, de tráfico de drogas a ataques cibernéticos. A AQ perguntou a especialistas como melhorar a segurança.
From organized crime in Guayaquil to climate change in Panama and nearshoring in Veracruz, seaports are now at the junction of several pressing issues.
Los centros marítimos de la región encaran variados desafíos, desde narcóticos hasta ataques cibernéticos. AQ consultó a expertos sobre cómo pueden mejorar sus defensas.
"[President] Noboa is now faced with the urgent need for decisive action," says Estefanny Pérez Duque from AS/COA in Global Americans.
The bicameral, bilateral legislation will amplify the economic potential of the region.
AS/COA Online looks at Beijing’s bilateral trade pacts with Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Peru.