U.S. Policy

Upgrade the Diplomatic Corps
/ Pedro Pablo Kuczynski

I hesitate to write to the new U.S. administration about Latin America because I know that natural realities mean that Latin America will not be a priority for any administration despite the high-minded talk from the candidates. Read the full article in the Fall 2008 issue of Americas Quarterly.

Recognize and Work with the New Central America
/ Ana Vilma Albanez de Escobar

Today, Central America is a region of peace, with democratically elected governments who respect individual freedoms and human rights. It is difficult for anyone who visits us now to imagine that just two decades ago most of our countries were suffering the horrors of civil war. Read the full article in the Fall 2008 issue of Americas Quarterly.

Recognize that Cuba's Future is Inside Cuba
/ Jorge Luis García Pérez Antúnez

Geographic proximity, the close historical ties uniting the American and Cuban people, and above all the unavoidable influence that the U.S. has on Cuba mean that we have all watched with great interest the elections and await your policies toward Cuba. Read the full article in the Fall 2008 issue of Americas Quarterly.

Build Smart Borders
/ John Manley

Mr. President, welcome to the overwhelming responsibility and the awesome opportunity of leading the world’s richest, most powerful nation at a time of global change and trial. I am offering you advice today from a Canadian perspective—a perspective that I fear you will have received from few of your advisers. Read the full article in the Fall 2008 issue of Americas Quarterly.

Ignore the Has-Beens, Look to Brazil
/ Jorge "Tuto" Quiroga

What a paradox! Never has the Hispanic vote been more influential in a U.S. election than in 2008—and never has the U.S. had less regional influence than today. That said, 200 years of history and a rising regional power (Brazil) present you, Mr. President-elect, with a unique opportunity to build a new relationship of solidarity with the region on everything from energy, aid and commerce, to security and migration. Read the full article in the Fall 2008 issue of Americas Quarterly.