This portal showcases AS/COA’s research and activities focused on the evolving North American relationship.

North America Hub


This page was last updated on October 1, 2018.

Talks to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement kicked off in August 2017—more than two decades after the deal went into force. The three partners began the modernization process in the face of dramatic changes in the global economy that include new production models, integrated supply chains, technological advances, and a revolution in energy production. As China and other emerging economies rise, North American integration becomes a strategic necessity when it comes to production efficiencies, economies of scale, and comparative advantages.

On September 30, 2018, the three countries came together to agree to the text of a new trilateral pact called the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).

This portal showcases AS/COA’s programs and activities focused on the evolving North American relationship. 

Resources from NAFTA 2.0 negotiations: 

Government Relations

Our work in Washington includes providing congressional testimony, submitting comments on U.S. policies, and supporting U.S. policies on North American trade and energy cooperation.

Research & Analysis

Through publications exploring the importance of North American integration and programs with decision makers focused on the region, our analysis showcases AS/COA efforts to strengthen trilateral ties.