Uma entrevista sobre transição energética com o Secretário Nacional de Transição Energética e Planejamento, Ministério de Minas e Energía Thiago Barral.
Brasília 2023: Perspectivas para a Transição Energética no Brasil
Brasília 2023: AS/COA's Susan Segal on Economic Opportunity in Brazil
The AS/COA president and CEO opened the conference by discussing Brazil's leadership in the region's economy and sustainability.
Successes and Shortfalls in the Amazon Summit
Thiago Amparo, Caio Borges
Lula’s climate diplomacy now faces a viability test.
Brazil’s Economic Uptick Is Boosting Lula’s Foreign Policy
Oliver Stuenkel
Good news at home is freeing up the president to engage abroad, with success at an Amazon summit but enduring controversy elsewhere.
The Delicate Balancing Act of Bolsonaro’s Possible Heir
Nick Burns
Tarcísio de Freitas is being floated as a more moderate successor to Bolsonaro on Brazil’s right, but it won’t be smooth sailing.
Ditadura de Maduro volta a inabilitar opositores na Venezuela e ameaça recrudescimento
Daniel Gateno, João Vitor Castro, and Felipe Frazão
Sem eleições livres, mudanças na política de sanções da Casa Branca vão ser difíceis de acontecer, disse Eric Farnsworth do COA ao O Estado de S. Paulo.