“The USMCA didn’t contemplate the pandemic,” says the AS/COA senior director. The North American trade pact was implemented on July 1.
"It maintains at a high level the North American trading and economic relationship,” said the AS/COA vice president in a discussion that included Americas Society Board Member Arturo Sarukhan.
“This momentous agreement will continue to create stability, growth, and jobs in the United States, Mexico, and Canada,” said AS/COA President and CEO Susan Segal.
A year after NAFTA 2.0 negotiations ended and with the U.S. election around the corner, “The legislative days are ticking away,” says AS/COA’s vice president.
These tariffs could jeopardize relations with an important U.S. economic partner while hurting American consumers.
AS/COA's Eric Farnsworth said to Fortune, referring to the USMCA negotiations, that Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. Trade Representative have said "publicly and repeatedly that the negotiated text is closed."
The electoral result in Canada’s top oil-producing province reveals dismay over lost energy sector opportunities, writes AS/COA’s Naki Mendoza.