This week features guitar music from Argentina, Colombia, and Costa Rica, in addition to a song by Pascuala Ilabaca.
The guerrilla group’s growing power is an obstacle to democratic and economic stabilization in Venezuela.
Colombia Risk Analysis’ Sergio Guzmán and Fundação Getulio Vargas’ Thomas Traumann cover vice-presidential picks in the region’s two big 2022 elections.
The former Bogotá mayor is making his third run at the presidency and is leading in polls. Has he changed, or has the country?
This week features music by two Argentina-based singers, a trio featuring Gregorio Uribe, and Fonema Consort.
“Me siento honrada de recibir este premio en nombre de Americas Society/Council of the Americas por nuestro continuo trabajo y dedicación en Colombia”, dijo la presidenta y CEO de AS/COA.
"I am honored to receive this award on behalf of AS/COA for our continued work and commitment to Colombia," said the president and CEO.