The health minister explained the strategy behind the government’s response to the pandemic and highlighted the importance of working with academia and the private sector.
We may well be on the cusp of a systemic sovereign debt crisis akin to the one of the 1980s, said experts Lee Buchheit and Augusto de la Torre.
Despite Guayaquil’s healing, the country is still struggling. The private sector can help.
The pandemic has postponed voting in a region where support for democracy was already on the decline.
"Los inversores multinacionales ahora entienden que no pueden confiar en que China sea el único anfitrión de las actividades de la cadena de suministro", dijo Eric Farnsworth de AS/COA a Primicias.
From a daily tracker of cases in Latin America, to podcasts and online events with public health experts, AS/COA is monitoring the novel coronavirus and its impact on the region.
"Indignities such as inequality and corruption have become more difficult for many people to swallow," write AS/COA's Brian Winter and NTN24's Moisés Naím in Foreign Affairs.