North America

La Indiferencia Bipartidista del Sur
/ Christopher Sabatini

En un artículo de opinión para El Diario, Christopher Sabatini explica por qué América Latina se mantiene en un nivel secundario en los radares de política exterior de los Estados Unidos en este año electoral. También analiza los puntos de vista de los presuntos candidatos presidenciales en torno al comercio regional, Cuba, y la reforma migratoria.

Dealing without Doha
/ Carlos Macias

WTO trade talks froze in Geneva, where booming Brazil played a central role, further strengthening its position as global player and setting the stage for a battle over U.S. ethanol tariffs. As Doha flounders, countries such as Chile and Peru step up bilateral agreements to boost international trade ties. 

Don't Trash NAFTA
/ Ira Shapiro

Blaming NAFTA—and free trade in general—for job losses is misplaced. As the U.S. continues to debate a 15-year-olf trade agreement, other countries are negotiating their own pacts—a fact that should prod the U.S. to not only strengthen NAFTA but also reinforce its commitment to trade expansion. Read the full article in the Summer 2008 issue of Americas Quarterly.