Feliciano Centurión's art was documented "through declarations of affection, love, and hope," writes Terremoto Magazine about Abrigo.
A case study in how the pandemic is shaping Beijing’s influence in the region.
"Centurión’s work resonates deeply, proffering both courageous perspective and tender wisdom," writes Susan Breyer about Americas Society Visual Arts' exhibition Abrigo.
"El modo de activismo y resistencia de Centurión fue íntimo y afectivo, centrado en el amor...el refugio –o abrigo— que el arte puede brindar en medio de un mundo hostil," escribe Artishock sobre Feliciano Centurión: Abrigo.
"This is a humbling reminder of what shelter means at this moment—and an encouragement to make art from whatever materials are on hand," writes Martha Schwendener about Feliciano Centurión: Abrigo in The New York Times.
Curator Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro and Americas Society's Aimé Iglesias Lukin discuss the Paraguayan artist's work as viewers can examine all pieces featured in Abrigo.
"El múltiple sentido de la palabra que da nombre a esta muestra amplifica su mensaje, que está hoy más vigente que nunca", escribe March Mazzei en Clarín sobre la exposición Abrigo de Americas Society.