Less red tape and more public-private cooperation would help Peru beat back the virus.
Peru Squandered Its Early COVID Advantages. Here’s How It Can Recover.
Roberto Chang
In Peru, Congress’ Move Against Immunity Isn’t What It Seems
Simeon Tegel
A vote to strip privilege from lawmakers could actually further shield them from corruption charges.
Para los migrantes venezolanos, la COVID-19 está estimulando una crisis de salud mental
AQ Online
Nuevos datos sobre venezolanos en Perú subrayan el costo de la pandemia en la salud mental.
For Venezuelan Migrants, COVID-19 Is Fueling a Mental Health Crisis
Luisa Feline Freier, Matthew Bird, Marta Luzes
New data on Venezuelans in Peru underscores the pandemic’s toll on mental health.
Video: The State of Anti-Corruption in Peru - A View from the CCC Index
What has been the impact of COVID-19 on Peru's anti-corruption movement? How can the country turn recent progress into reality within its judicial system? Watch experts discuss.
WEBCAST: Anti-Corruption in Peru: A View from the CCC Index
AQ Online
Join AS/COA’s Anti-Corruption Working Group and Control Risks for a discussion on the state of anti-corruption in Peru.
Políticas culturales en el mundo post-Covid
Expertos imersos en los sectores culturales de Argentina, Chile, México y el Perú hablan de las repercusiones para las artes y actividades culturales bajo