Deputy U.S. Trade Representative Jayme White spoke with Bloomberg Television’s Shery Ahn about the Biden administration's moves to "rethink trade."
United States
This week features music by two Argentina-based singers, a trio featuring Gregorio Uribe, and Fonema Consort.
“Me siento honrada de recibir este premio en nombre de Americas Society/Council of the Americas por nuestro continuo trabajo y dedicación en Colombia”, dijo la presidenta y CEO de AS/COA.
"I am honored to receive this award on behalf of AS/COA for our continued work and commitment to Colombia," said the president and CEO.
The Biden administration has joined China and Russia in the vaccine diplomacy race in Latin America. See where U.S. donations have arrived.
Es "concebible" que con el tiempo Biden busque una “agenda más transaccional” de petróleo con Venezuela a cambio de retirar las sanciones, dijo Eric Farnsworth de AS/COA a EFE.
If the U.S. gets more resources to the Maduro regime, it will provide additional resources to enrich the Cuban regime, said AS/COA's Eric Farnsworth to the Miami Herald.