Trump’s push for more detentions with fewer protections will endanger more lives, advocates say.
United States
“The closer you get to the border itself, the better Mexicans and Americans understand each other,” said AQ’s Brian Winter at the El Paso event.
El Vicepresidente de Política Pública de AS/COA, Brian Winter, habló sobre lo que implicaría una posible renegociación del tratado de libre comercio.
"Any change in regulations in Cuba policy takes time...there are currently many different business sectors exploring options to expand their footprint in Cuba, and others have signed deals," explained AS/COA's Alana Tummino.
The White House reportedly plans to continue expanding telecommunications and internet access to Cuba. AS/COA's Alana Tummino commented on the role American tech companies have played in building trust between the two countries.
The United States has a lumber problem and Latin America could offer solutions.
“Estamos construyendo cosas juntos y eso es muy importante…[El TLCAN] es una cadena de suministro integrada que respalda miles y miles, millones de trabajos de la clase media,” subrayó Susan Segal de AS/COA ante una eventual negociación del tratado trilateral.