
Uruguay: Strategic Partner
/ Eric Farnsworth

Some fascinating things are happening in the South American nation of Uruguay that should catch the attention of policymakers in Washington. If they don't, we run the risk of missing a historic opportunity to re-orient hemispheric relations in a manner consistent with strategic U.S. interests.

President Tabaré Vázquez Delivers Address at the 2006 Montevideo Conference

A Latin American Cities Conferences event, Uruguay in the Global Economy on August 9 brought together members of government and the private sector, including President Tabaré Vázquez, to discuss the central government's agenda, institutional and economic reforms, business climate and investment opportunities, and MERCOSUR, as well as other trade agreements.

José Gurvich: Constructive Imagination

This is the catalogue of the first solo institutional exhibition of Uruguayan artist José Gurvich in New York. This important exhibition of paintings, drawings, and ceramics, produced between 1957 and 1973, examines Gurvich’s role in the School of the South as a student of Joaquin Torres-García and an exponent of constructivism nationally and internationally.

Remarks by Anne Krueger at the 2002 Washington Conference on the Americas

Speaking at the 2002 Washington Conference on the Americas, First Deputy Managing Director at International Monetary Fund, Anne Krueger, discuses the economic future of the Americas. Krueger addresses the economic "slow down" in the Americas and elaborates on the crisis in Argentina.