Ali Moshiri
Ali Moshiri is the president of Chevron Africa and Latin America Exploration and Production Company. He joined Chevron as a reservoir engineer and later as a drilling engineer. Moshiri became senior production engineer with supervisory responsibilities in the Gulf of Mexico in 1983 and served as supervisor of reservoir and facilities engineering for Chevron Energy Technology Company in Houston. He joined Chevron Overseas Petroleum in the United Kingdom in 1987 as manager of technical applications for exploration and production activities in the North Sea and became supervisor of Petroleum Engineering for Chevron Overseas Company in 1987. He assumed the position of general manager and advisor to the vice chairman of the board for Chevron Corporation Exploration and Production in 2000, and in October of 2001, he was appointed managing director of Chevron Latin America Exploration and Production, where he was responsible for upstream operations in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Trinidad, Mexico, and Venezuela. Moshiri received a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Tulsa.
Ali Moshiri es el presidente de Chevron Africa y Latin America Exploration and Production Company. Se unió a Chevron como ingeniero de depósito y más tarde como ingeniero de perforación. Moshiri se hizo ingeniero de producción senior, supervisando el Golfo de México en 1983, y fungió como supervisor del depósito e instalaciones de ingeniería para Chevron Energy Technology Company en Houston, Texas. Se unió a Chevron Overseas Petroleum en el Reino Unido en 1987 como gerente de aplicaciones técnicas para actividades de exploración y producción en el Mar del Norte y se hizo supervisor de Petroleum Engineering para Chevron Overseas Company en 1987. Asumió la posición de gerente general y consejero al vice presidente de la junta de Chevron Corporation Exploration and Production en 2000, y en 2001 fue nombrado director general de Chevron Latin America Exploration and Production donde se encargó de las operaciones de upstream en Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Trinidad, México y Venezuela. Mr. Moshiri se graduó con una Licenciatura y Maestría en Ingeniería del Petróleo de la University of Tulsa.