Ambassador Robert J. Faucher
Ambassador Robert J. Faucher, a career member of the Senior Foreign Service with the rank of Minister-Counselor, has previously served as Acting Assistant Secretary and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations (CSO), and Director for the Office of Western European Affairs in the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs. He also held positions as Director in the offices of UN Political Affairs and UN Specialized and Technical Agencies in the Bureau of International Organization Affairs.
The Ambassador began his career in the Foreign Service in 1985 with his first posting in Suriname. He has held positions as Deputy Chief of Mission at U.S. embassies in Belgium, Ireland, Suriname, and Luxembourg. He has also served in the Netherlands, the United States Mission to the European Union, and the United Kingdom. His previous positions in Washington include Deputy Office Director on the European Union Affairs Desk, Special Assistant in the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, and Attorney Advisor for the Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs in the Office of the Legal Adviser.
Ambassador Faucher grew up Arizona and holds BA and JD/MBA degrees from Arizona State University, an LLM degree from Edinburgh University, and an MS degree from the National Defense University’s National War College. He is the recipient of multiple State Department performance awards, including two Senior Foreign Service Performance awards, and the American Foreign Service Association’s Strategic Writing Award (formerly the George F. Kennan Strategic Writing Award). Ambassador Faucher speaks Dutch and French.