Carlos Urrutia
Carlos Urrutia is the Ambassador of Colombia to the United States. He also currently serves as a panel member on the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes’ Panel of Arbitrators. Previously, Urrutia worked at Brigard & Urrutia from 1977 to 2012, where he served as managing partner from 1999 to 2012. Prior to this position, he served as secretary general of the governorship of the Department of Cundinamarca from 1975 to 1977. Additionally, Urrutia served as secretary of finance of the governorship of the Department of Cundinamarca from February 1977 to April 1977. Urrutia has been a board member of Allianz Colseguros, Ladrillera Santafe, 3M Colombia, Leo Burnett Colombia, Dividendo por Colombia, and Cámara de Comercio Colombo Francesa. He is an associate member of the American Bar Association and International Bar Association and frequently participates as a speaker or panelist on such topics as foreign investment, financial matters, investments in natural resources, enforcement of foreign judgments, and arbitration. He earned a law degree from the University of the Andes in Bogota, Colombia.