Carolina Millán Ronchetti
Carolina Millán Ronchetti is a journalist at Bloomberg News. Based in Buenos Aires since 2015, her focus is the coverage of the country's markets, including stocks, bonds, and the foreign exchange market. Millán Ronchetti's work has previously appeared in outlets including the Globe and Mail, Indian Country Today, and the Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC). Before her work as a journalist, she completed fellowships at the United Nation's World Food Programme in Panama and the think tank Washington Office on Latin America. Millán Ronchetti studied data journalism at Columbia University and economics and international development studies at McGill University.
Carolina Millán Ronchetti es corresponsal de Bloomberg News. Basada en Buenos Aires desde 2015, se enfoca en la cobertura de mercado de capitales del país, incluyendo acciones, bonos, y mercado cambiario. Anteriormente el trabajo de Millán Ronchetti apareció en medios incluyendo al Globe and Mail, Indian Country Today, y la cadena de televisión CBC. Antes de desempeñarse como periodista, trabajó en el Programa Mundial de Alimentos de las Naciones Unidas en Panamá y en el think tank Washington Office on Latin America. Millán Ronchetti completó estudios en periodismo de datos en Columbia University y en economía y desarrollo internacional en McGill University.