Diego Garcia-Devis
Diego Garcia-Devis is a senior program officer for the Open Society Global Drug Policy Program overseeing the program’s Latin America portfolio. He is a Colombian political scientist with 15 years of experience analyzing, mediating, and monitoring the Colombian socio-political armed conflict. In 2008, Garcia-Devis was awarded a Chevening Scholarship by the U.K. Foreign Office to pursue postgraduate studies at the War Studies Department at King’s College London. As an expert on peace building and human rights, Garcia-Devis has worked for the Organization of American States and USAID managing and coordinating projects in areas such as disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of combatants, prevention of forced recruitment of children, and the protection of human rights. He has also conducted extensive research on issues such as the relationship between violence, narco-trafficking, and social political conflict. Garcia-Devis received his bachelor’s in political science from Los Andes University in Bogotá, where he also minored in law.