Janio Rosales

Janio Rosales

Minister of Economy of Guatemala

Janio Rosales, PhD. has more than 20 years of experience in different productive areas in multinational companies, including the construction, sugar and industrial sectors. These include Ingenio Pantaleón, Centrarse, and Guatemalan Chamber of Construction, among others, where he served in different positions related to corporate and public affairs, sustainability, social projects and communication. In the public administration, he assumed the position of minister of economy after the experience acquired as head of the private secretariat of the presidency, a position he held from March 2021 to March 2022. He was advisor, consultant, and director for private institutions and civil society organizations in Guatemala, Spain, and Brazil, as well as in organizations such as Centrarse, in Guatemala, Forética (Spain), and the Government of the Canary Islands (Spain), among others. In the private sector, he served for four years, until 2021, as executive director and general manager of the Guatemalan Chamber of Construction, in addition to being permanent secretary of the Regional Organization of Chambers of Construction of Central America and the Caribbean (ORDECCCAC). 

Additionally, he represents the construction chamber in the political, economic and international commission in CACIF. He was also manager of Institutional Advocacy at the Center for Corporate Social Action and Responsibility (Centrarse), where he coordinated different projects in important companies such as Ingenio La Unión, EEGSA, Asazgua and Multi Inversiones. Likewise, he was head of Responsible Development at Ingenio Pantaleón and coordinator of Social Responsibility at the Education for Employment Foundation of Spain, among other positions in government and the private sector. 

He holds a PhD in Sustainable Development from the Universidad Galileo in Guatemala, and a PhD in Government and Public Administration from the Instituto de Investigación Ortega y Gasset in Madrid, Spain. In both degrees, he obtained academic distinction. He holds master's degree in Corporate Social Responsibility from the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Spain, an MBA from the Instituto de Investigación Ortega y Gasset de Madrid, Spain;  and in Public Security from the Universidad Galileo de Guatemala and an additional one in Politics and Communication. In addition to these degrees, he holds a degree in Political Science from the Universidad Rafael Landívar. 

Minister Rosales has extensive knowledge of different cultures and social, political and economic environments, as well as great leadership and teamwork skills; he also possesses negotiation and project development skills with high standards. He has been a professor at the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Spain, and at the universities Galileo, Rafael Landívar, Del Valle and Da Vinci, in Guatemala. He was also a researcher at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and at the University of the Basque Country. He has been an international speaker and writer for several scientific journals, such as the Revista en Ciencias Sociales Fundación Pablo VI in Spain, part of the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca in Madrid, Spain, and the Fundación Forética, Spain, among others. He obtained a scholarship for the financing of a doctoral thesis from the Spanish cooperation agency AECID-, for academic excellence. He was one of the 5 beneficiaries in Latin America in 2012. He was also a beneficiary of the Carolina Foundation in 2012.